About DDS 關於學會

學會宗旨 Mission Statement

七月 12 , 2015  

本會為一非營利之社團組織;也係一以東海人為對象之 C2C 網路平台。


目標 —


  1. 藉由會員間之交流,討論及腦力激盪,獲取改造東海大學之共識,創意及建言。


  1. 號召校友們共同關注學校之經營管理,讓校方感受監管之壓力,進而逐步提昇效能 / 競爭力,以爭取評鑑排名向前。


  1. 透過捐助,於財務面協助學校:初步規劃,承諾以一年1千萬提供各系所申購設備 / 儀器等。


The institute, being a non profit organization, is a so-called C2C research platform dedicated to the study of Tunghai University.


Our objectives —


  1. To be a think-tank :  by encouraging exchange and communication of thoughts among members; we hope to build up consensus, create new ideas for a better Tunghai.


  1. To be a watchdog : by keeping a good look out for the school’s management and the board’s performance; we hope to enhance Tunghai’s competitiveness and to advance its standing in the national academic ranking.


  1. To be a financial source of support to the school : by campaigning for donation; and by committing an aid of 10 million NT$ minimum a year primarily for the modernization of instrument and equipment.