Expert's View 名家觀點


五月 1 , 2017  

Actively Passive or Passively Active?


by Charles Cheng, CFA – Clarity Investment Partners
鄭又銓, CFA -可承資本 。


A longtime investing trend that is accelerating is the shift of investors from actively managed funds to passively managed funds. Research firm Moody’s forecasts that passive investments, including ETFs and index mutual funds will overtake actively managed funds in assets under management in the US within four to seven years. Currently, passive investments account for $6 trillion in assets globally. Investors currently in actively managed funds may wonder whether they should also switch their allocations to passively managed funds, either fully or partially. Our answer is- it depends on the investor.



Source: WSJ, Morningstar


First of all, let’s examine the reasons why the flows are shifting from active to passive. Active funds tend to have higher management fees and turnover (and therefore trading costs) than passive funds. Therefore, there is already a built in hurdle that active managers have to exceed, performance-wise. In aggregate, active funds do not perform well versus passive funds. Numerous ten year studies show that actively managed funds tend to fail to match their benchmarks over a 10 year period, with many of the funds closing before the 10 year period is over.

首先,我們來看看資產從主動式管理基金流向被動式管理基金的原因。主動式管理基金與被動式管理基金相比通常收取較高的管理費且交易量也較高(由此交易成本也比後者高)。因此,主動式管理基金在績效方面已經有一個額外內建的門檻了。總的來說,主動式管理基金的表現不如被動式基金。許多研究顯示,主動式管理基金在一個10年期內回報往往會無法達到其基準參考值 (benchmark),其中許多基金在10年期還未到之前已關門大吉。


Source: Credit Suisse


As a thought exercise, think of the market as split between active investors and passive investors, with the passive investors close to matching benchmark performance. Then the pool of active investors collectively will also have a similar performance, but minus their additional costs. Therefore, in order to outperform, active managers will have to win the zero sum game against other active managers.



That’s not to say that there is no value in being a skilled active manager. There are famous examples of active investment managers, like Bill Miller and Warren Buffett outperforming the broad market for decades at a time. For most managers across various asset class categories, such sustained excellence is difficult to achieve. Typically, a manager can have success exploiting a market opportunity for a period of time, and then as other investors catch on, that advantage goes away. Furthermore, successful funds can become so large that they are no longer nimble enough to capitalize on the same opportunities that drove their early success.

然而並不是說有能力的主動式基金經理人沒有價值。有一些著名的經理人如Bill Miller和巴菲特等都是在幾十年的時間內持續跑贏大市的。然而對於各種資產類別的大部分基金而言,如此持續的卓越表現是很難實現的。通常,一個基金也許能在一段時期從一個市場機會中成功獲得優良回報,然後隨著其他基金的加入,這樣的優勢就消失了。此外,成功的基金其規模也許會成長至太大以致失去了當初的靈活性,從而錯失從前曾使之成功的相同機會。

Source: WSJ, Morningstar


A typical model of investment is deciding on one’s asset allocation (which is also an active investment decision) and then implementing it with funds, either to a passive strategy or, in order to gain outperformance, to an active one. In order to decide on whether to allocate to an active manager, we suggest asking yourself the following three questions:

  • Does the track record indicate that the manager has a competitive edge in the market that exceeds the costs of the fund?
  • Can you determine whether the manager has a competitive edge that is sustainable for the near future?
  • Do you have the time and motivation to continually monitor the two items above?


  • 該基金的歷史回報記錄是否表明該基金在市場上的表現是有競爭優勢(在扣除其內建成本後,相對被動式基金表現較佳)?
  • 你能否確定該基金的競爭優勢在不久的將來還是可持續的?
  • 你是否有時間和動機持續監控以上兩項?


If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you are better off either investing in a passive alternative or finding an advisor who has aligned interests with you to make these determinations.




Mr. Cheng is a managing partner at Clarity Investment Partners, a Hong Kong based independent private investment office that directly manages personal accounts for families and institutions.
