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為什麼資金成本即將上升 Why the Cost of Money Is About to Go Up

二月 1 , 2024  

It’s been headed down for decades, but the most important price in the global economy is changing direction. Bloomberg Originals explains why.



What’s the most important price in the global economy? The price of oil? The price of semiconductors? The price of a Big Mac? More important than any of Big Mac? More important than any of these is the price of money. For more than three decades it was falling, but now it’s set to rise. In the mini- documentary The Rising Cost of Money, Bloomberg Originals explains why this is happening-and what it means for you.



Ask most people how the price of money is set, and they’ll say via interest rates determined by central banks like the US Federal Reserve. In fact, there’s a deeper logic at work. Fundamentally, the price of money (like the price of anything else) reflects the balance of supply and reflects the balance of supply and demand. A higher supply of savings pushes rates down. More investment demand pushes them up.



For the economics wonks, the price of money that balances saving and investment while keeping inflation stable has another name-the “natural rate of interest.” For more than three decades, this rate was trending down. By Bloomberg Economics’ estimates, and adjusting for inflation, the natural rate of interest for 10-year US government bonds fell from a little more than 5% in 1980 to a little less than 2% over the past decade.



In The Rising Cost of Money, we explain what drove the rate lower, what’s about to reverse its decline and what that means for everything from home prices to the stock market and the sustainability of US government debt.






  • 自然利率必需在儲著和投資間取得平衡。  如果Fred將該利率訂過低,儲蓄減少而投資和消費上升,繼而引起通膨。 但如果太高,會抑制投資和需求而使失業上升。 


  • 過去30年來,美國政府公債的殖利率從5%跌到3% (80年代以來),原因是:

1. 經濟成長緩慢,降低投資需求;

2. 人口老化,儲蓄增加,提升資金的供給;

3. 中國經濟快速發展,累積大量多餘的現金投入 (購買) 美國政府公債,進而壓低公債殖利率。


  • 現在的情況是,上述三個情況剛好反轉:

1. 戰後新生兒潮逐漸從職場退休,減少儲蓄和政府稅收;

2. 中國經濟放緩,降低多餘資金的累積; 加上美中關係惡化,渡洋到美國投資的金額中止;

3. 還有美國政府不斷的舉債,也會使市場資金緊張而推升利息。 


  彭博測算上述三股力量會推升自然利率回升至少1/3。  如果加上通膨,則到2030年自然利率可能高達4.5 ~ 5%。 


  再者,全球對抗氣候變遷 (Climate change),要達到凈零排放得花30兆美金的投資,加上AI浪潮帶來的創新機會,企業會爭相投入 (軍備競賽),而帶動對資金的急遽需求。 第三,如果各國政府繼續他們的舉債步伐速度,10年期公債殖利率到2030年時可能 (Could) 達到6%。 


  利息的上升,意味著從房屋貸款 (mortgage) 到政府支出 (美國財政部是最大輸家) 都將大幅上升; 資產價格也會因而回跌。 



  上文譯自Bloomberg Intelligence (彭博社) 2024年元月12日專文。


