by Charles Cheng, CFA
In 2022, the Harvard Business Review named “resilience” as the word of the year. Resilience refers to one’s ability to recover, adapt to and grow from difficult situations. As a concept, it has been gaining traction in recent years as a key ingredient behind success in professional life, relationships, developing children, and organizational strength. As a concept in personal investing resilience is not frequently mentioned but should be as it is a critical component to becoming a better investor.
2022 年,《哈佛商業評論》將「韌性」評為年度詞彙。 韌性是指一個人從困境中恢復、適應和成長的能力。作為一個概念,近年來它一直受到關注,成為職業生活、人際關係、兒童發展和組織力量成功背後的關鍵因素。作為個人投資的一個概念,韌性並不經常被提及,但應該被提及,因為它是成為更好的投資者的關鍵組成部分。
There are naturally ups and downs in the investing journey, with the downs being possibly quite expensive. When things are not going well, it could be that your portfolio has taken a large drawdown, or it could be an investment bet that you were sure about turning out to be wrong. If an investor is not resilient, then reacting badly to these setbacks could lead to even worse outcomes. In the worst case, the investor takes a loss and then is reluctant to invest again, foregoing years of future gains and potentially 100s of percentage points in returns. Another bad outcome would be not sticking to your investment strategy or hastily changing it following a setback.
What does it mean to be a resilient investor? One has to keep in mind that investing is an activity that is measured in years and decades and therefore a short-term setback should not meaningfully affect one’s investment strategy, provided it was reasonably well thought out to begin with. In personal life, resilience involves managing stress, maintaining a positive outlook, and developing coping strategies. Building personal resilience enables people to handle life’s challenges more effectively, whether they are related to work, relationships, or health. This can involve having a realistic perspective on the current situation, maintaining longer term goals and values, and being prepared for the unexpected. Similarly, we can think about ways that investing resilience can be built and maintained.
So, if we define being a resilient investor as being able to withstand personal mistakes, market volatility, and economic downturns without deviating from a sensible investment strategy, here are some things one can do to try to become one.
Planning: Set your strategy in advance, and at a risk level where you could maintain it in the times of the worst market events and a commitment to coming back into the market at some point no matter what has happened. It can also include contingencies for such events or keeping a reserve of capital that you could always use to rebound with.
Long-Term Perspective: Always focus on long-term goals rather than short-term market fluctuations. If your strategy needs some adjustments to deal with a changing market environment, you can anchor it with this perspective.
Reviews: Periodically review your decisions and try to give an honest assessment of whether they are being made objectively.
Practice Self-Care: Taking care of yourself in the real world will also help with your resilience in the financial world. Engaging in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies would help you be more prepared to deal with the pressures and ups and down of the investing world.
自我保健:在現實世界中照顧好自己也將有助於增強您在金融世界中的適應能力。 從事促進身心健康的活動,例如運動、冥想或嗜好,將幫助您更好地應對投資界的壓力和起伏。
This article reflects the personal views of the author and not any firm’s and should not be viewed as an investment recommendation.
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